Friday, April 29, 2011

spring break 2011

It was by far the best spring break I've ever had--EVER.

Anna-my bunk buddy and sanity over the course of the trip, Jennifer-my newfound sarcastic friend, and Kersey-the one that I can talk to about anything; these girls made it all worth it. I cannot say how blessed I am by their friendship.

We started the trip off right when, about 20 minutes into the drive, we had already broken out the snacks. Basically the days consisted of a morning run (or half run, half walk if you're Anna, Kersey, or Jen), hitting the beach all day, showering, and a late dinner followed by a night on the town. We got to see a few of our friends, too. James, Michael, Chad, Tanner, Bill, Ray, and Bryson came to see us one day. Matt, Conor, Andrew, and Cameron came to see us another. We dug a tunnel, yeah, nothing big. And to top it all off, none of us got severely burned. Spring break--thats whats up.

This weekend I have my second prom with Caleb, a date night with my sweet Rachel, and lots of studying for the AP Chem exam on Monday. I ran six miles today. Yes, six. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I just ran a 10K. And darn right I think thats on the right track to a half marathon. I just can't wait for summer, spring break you are such a tease.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

it is finished

"These words ushered in the end of us as we were, and the beginning of us as we were meant to be!" -Louie Giglio
 This Easter weekend I could not ever express how grateful I am of this incredible gift. We live and die, but Christ died and lived! Its amazing how much He loves each one of us. His grace and love know no depths, we can't exaggerate it. That God would sacrifice His Son, and that Jesus would die such a horrific death just so that we could have the opportunity to be with Them forever is incredible. I am so undeserving in my wicked human state, but in Christ, I'm seen as perfect and whole.

Its an exciting thing, when you think about it. Our God is alive! He isn't some legend or legacy, His work is still among us. For that, I can't help but get energized about things to come. So bring it on, God. Lets see Your immeasurable power and majesty.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

sweet disposition

The last few days have been such a blessing.

I spent some quality time with mom and dad the other night, I really do love them. Home alone last night, but Tyler came to the rescue! We made chocolate chip-banana pancakes and watched 500 Days of Summer (again, new favorite movie) and had some quality catch up time. What an awesome friend, how he puts up with listening to me rant I will never understand. ALSO, got the job at the YMCA, thats whats up. I can't wait for an awesome summer--making bank while hanging with kids. Heaven. The Big Macks won senior field day, get at me. Sunburnless, at that. Quite the accomplishment. Track meet tomorrow, which meant practice = t flo, leah, and I sunbathing on the high jump mat. Just like every Wednesday.

God's really blessed me with some good reflection time, pretty distraction free. I had the opportunity to speak at FCA today about how He prepares us for our individual battles, big and small, and how He takes the reigns when we're completely lost. I love sharing His goodness. Its nice to know that you can triumph and overcome because God is right by your side, always. What a comfort to know that He fights for us. I can't thank Him enough for His grace.

"There are no good or bad days, there is only a day of grace. Some days, God gives us grace to embrace what we are going through. Others, God gives us grace to endure what we are going through." -Graham Cooke

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


"I came that they may have life, life more abundant." John 10:10
I just have to look outside to get a glimpse of His infinite and unimaginable beauty. Not only does He want us to have life, He wants us to have a full and good life. Oh is it ever visible in His green earth. The sky is His blank canvas, and each day He paints something different and divine. All because He takes delight in us, His favorite of all creation. I don't know about you, but that blows me away. If this is what we see when we look at this sin-filled world, how much more beautiful is He?

Monday, April 18, 2011

500 days of summer

So I just finished this movie, and I can completely relate. Not only do I get compared to Zooey Deschanel (quite the compliment, although I really don't see it) but the story is so real. I highly recommend this movie to any and all human beings with a wounded heart.

Movies like this make me miss having someone special; someone to share life with. I miss having someone who crushes on me and does sweet things for me and thinks I'm kind of cool.
"But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently." Romans 8:25
I've been praying for my future husband for a long time, even while I've dated. I can't wait to find that one person who will love me through everything. I've even recently made a "top ten" list of things I want in my future husband. I know God's going to bless me when the time is right. He always knows how to send the right stuff my way at just the moment I need it. So here's to waiting, here's to listening.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I was talking with a good friend last night about life, love, and God when he said something that really struck a chord:
The closer we get to God the more we realize how far away we truly are.
This has never been more accurate in my life. The seasons in my life when I'm really in tune and one with His Spirit, I'm more aware of my wicked human condition. Its the moments when I realize my pride when God can effectively humble me. When I suspect that I'm doing just fine, I'm in the most dangerous place I could possibly be.

"He must become greater, and I must become less." John 3:30

I ought to constantly remind myself that I am not my own, that I am desperate for help from a perfect heavenly Father. Take me to that secret place and into Your loving arms.

senior prom: round one

I could not have asked for a better group of kids to hang with all night. This year was laid back and fun, everything senior year should be. People may have thought it was lame, but maybe I like lame. Maybe I'm just looking for good clean fun. I had a wonderful night with a great date. Of course there was Walker's speech by which the room was thick with tension. Probably the most awkward and unpleasant 20 minutes of my life. Other than that, it was a night to remember.

God was really looking out for me, even in the little things. Just a few months ago I was so concerned with what I was going to do about prom, whether I would actually go or not, who in the world would ask me, all sorts of things. After a few weeks of trying to orchestrate the "prom date" situation myself, I realized that it was silly to worry about, God's got everything under complete control--even a high school prom. Thats when I gave it all over to Him, and BAM, I got two prom dates. God is good, even on prom night.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

a fresh start

There is comfort in simplicity. I need to tune the rest of the world out, enjoy this incredible storm, and listen to my Father. I need to quiet my soul and allow Him to speak. I can never be close to someone I never invest in, someone I never love rightly.