Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Happy Wednesday! So I called in sick today, which means I've had lots of time to catch up on things at home. Today marks the day of Macy's birth 19 solid years ago, what an amazing lady. I'm so thankful for her friendship. Current status concerning summer reading:
The Hunger Games-completed
So Long, Insecurity-pg. 151 of 346
Blue Like Jazz-pg. 13 of 240
I'd say its coming along quite nicely. Megan is visiting this weekend, which means lots of coffee outings and play time outside. My kids at work are still wonderful and cute in every way, but also challenging at times. Absolutely loving them to death though.

I'm seeing God work in magnificent ways lately. Once again He's proven to me that He can take this messy, sinful heart of mine and use it for His glory. How do I always forget that His plan accounts for all my sin and all my mistakes? Its like, duh, I'm going to mess up, but He knew that already. It was also a huge reminder to constantly tune into the Spirit; to take a step of faith when He prompts you. Be real about your struggles; be real about His victories. Remember that you are not the only one who's sinned the way you have.
"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man..." 1 Cor. 10:13a
After an awesome conversation with McCready (aforementioned "Macy") last night, He also reminded me that when we respond to the Spirit and say or do what He tells us to, we shouldn't worry about the results. If we obey, our work is finished; the outcome is out of our hands, whether that means a positive, negative, or indifferent response.

Story time! While waiting to clock-in Tuesday morning, a co-worker/friend and I were chatting at our cars and He noticed I was reading Blue Like Jazz. When I explained to him what it was about ("Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality") his response was, "wait, you're a Christian?"


Sucker punch in the gut. I'm sick to my stomach just typing this. As believers we are called to "be holy because [He is] holy" (Leviticus 19:2). That's a command, y'all. Holy. Set apart. Different. If someone has to ask, I'm not doing my job. Mark 6:12 says the disciples "went out preaching with joyful urgency that life can be radically different." I want passion like that. Jesus and I are going to be working on that. I hope I never get asked that question again, but boy, am I grateful for that humbling wake-up call. I'm asking Him to show me how to be holy in this lost world without radiating an abrasive, prideful air. Please please please, humility in EVERYTHING, God.

Monday, June 11, 2012

be the light

my weekend in photos: Lady A, Komen 5K, crafting for the apartment, and FDC 2012
Sometimes I forget how truly blessed I am. I'm currently at SOLA Coffee (dare I say I like it better than Jubala, judge me) after having a morning date with Molly, what an amazing girl. Camp starts in t-minus 40 minutes and I couldn't be more stoked. I've started two of the three books I plan to read this month, The Hunger Games and So Long, Insecurity and I highly recommend both of them to anyone. Fantastic reads.

Its interesting that Finley Day Camp's theme for the summer is "Be the Light." Its been neat realizing what God intends for us to do as believers. He calls us to go and make disciples (Matt. 28:19) which requires us to GO, to be the light in a dark, dark world. The Holy Spirit really convicted me Sunday after Pastor Chuck preached about that same idea. Too often, mostly out of comfort, I stay in my Christian bubble. To that I'd say, who's going to meet Jesus? That's no way to obey what He has clearly commanded us to do. I'm so looking forward to what He's about to do in the next few weeks. I'm praying that He'll give me words of truth and love to speak into receptive, open ears. I'm praying that as I take this journey, I won't be discouraged when I don't see immediate results. I'm praying that I'm in tune with the Spirit and that at the end He says, "Well done."

I've been all up in 2 Samuel this week, so David is the star of the show. Its crazy to see just how quickly David lets his guard down and his sin snowballs out of control; and, whether we like it or not, God never fails to show us where we mess up. The best news: God still loves him and blesses him beyond belief. I'm really thankful that God can point out the sin in our lives and if we let him, he can uproot it on the spot. It hurts to fall. A lot. But how much sweeter is the victory when we let God pick us back up and set us back on track? Beth Moore writes,
Maybe we’re all just sick to death of taking three steps forward and two steps back. Call me a math wizard, but isn’t that still one step forward?...And if we don’t lose that ground, aren’t we on our way somewhere new? Willing to take three more steps—even if we lose two?
In Christ, we have no fear of failure. How wonderful is it to have a Father who eternally wants to see us grow and succeed?

Friday, June 1, 2012

june bug

June goals, fresh hydrangeas, and current reads
The first of June could not be more beautiful. I'm loving the fresh blooms (gorgeous pink and periwinkle hydrangeas from our yard, my favorite) and warm sunshine. With a new month comes new goals. If all goes well, I should read The Hunger Games, So Long Insecurity, and Blue Like Jazz by July. I'm also instituting my morning quiet times again. Its good to get in the habit of starting your day with the love of your life and let Him fill you up. It also helps me to actually do it instead of saying "oh I'll get to that later" because, lets face it, I usually don't. Here's to turning over a few new leaves.

God's been showing me that almost always His plans and my plans don't match up, and that's a good thing. I've had to say "no" to a few things, including my usual job at camp. While I'm still working with my kids at the YMCA this summer, I was hand-picked and presented with the new opportunity and difficult challenge of being a summer-long permanent "noonie" or sub for counselors that have their half day. I won't have one huddle all summer, but it gives me the chance to build relationships and share the love of Christ with all the 1st and 2nd graders as well as my co-counselors and fellow noonies. Even though it wasn't in my plan, it was in His plan. I'm beginning to see how He orchestrates each aspect of my life all for His glory, what a good God we serve.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
I'm praying that He'll give me strength and boldness and opportunities to love the few specific co-counselors He's placed on my heart. Its going to take a lot of faith and trust that He can do all things, even if its opening up the eyes, ears, and hearts of these precious friends. But I'm expecting the LORD to move in big ways this summer, and I'm ready to take the plunge.