Sunday, May 13, 2012


new coffee and quiet time spot-a big rust colored armchair with a sunrise view
Life's been grand. I've been able to see almost everyone I missed while I was away at school. Still waiting on that real-talk slumber party, Rach. We have lots of catching up/checking up to do. So far I've already been on a road trip to Lynchburg with Dillon, visited Christin at NCSU with Rachel, worked a few days, and, to kick the summer off right, had a bro-b-q last night with my best friends. Today, being Mother's Day, we celebrated by going out to lunch and being extra nice to mom. She's such a sweet lady, I'm so blessed to have her.

This morning I was reading 1 Samuel 14. Jonathan, Saul's son, sneaked out and tried to fight the Philistines without him knowing. After breaking a silly oath Saul made, Jon was cursed. God doesn't forget when we make promises, by the way. So when Saul went to ask for God's provision and guidance regarding the Philistines, here's what happens.
So Saul asked God, "Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will you give them into Israel's hand?" But God did not answer him that day. Saul therefore said, "Come here, all you who are leaders of the army, and let us find out what sin has been committed today." 1 Samuel 14:37-38
I can't tell you the countless times I ask to hear God's word on something and haven't heard anything. Never do I immediately think its a problem on my end (although it without a doubt always is). Normally, there's something getting in between He and I. Maybe I'm putting something else first, or maybe I haven't taken that next step of faith He's calling me to. This week, I'm praying that He reveals whatever it is that tends to block our line of communication. I want to hear His voice loud and clear above the rest of the chaos in this world.

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