Congratulations! You just finished your freshman year in college.
It was a year of firsts. You ran your first 5K and 10K. You got your first tattoo. You changed your major for the first time (and then for the second time). You had your first roommate and your first blind date and went to your first frat party. You went to your first Young Life club and on your first backpacking trip. Some things you wished you never tried, and some things you can't wait to do for the rest of your life.
You met some pretty rad people who changed your life. You took some friendships from home deeper than they've ever gone. You were real with people in a way you'd never been before, keep it up. Don't forget that inside everyone is just as screwed up as you are. Don't forget that its the reason you love people so much.
You had some peaks and valleys this year. Don't forget to look up and praise Him in moments of triumph; don't forget to look behind at all He's brought you through when you can't see your way out of the pit. Remember that you are redeemed, bought at a price, called by name, adopted as His own.
Learn from your mistakes, make the most of every chance you get. You'll blink and it'll be gone before you know it.
So here's to freshman year and to making the next three just as awesome.
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