Happy Labor Day! Although Clemson University decided to hold classes today, its been one great weekend. A day spent with friends in Atlanta was just what the doctor ordered. The (real) tigers broke the six year Atlanta curse at the Dome with a win. Football season--arguably my favorite season--is finally here! The highlight reel is as follows:
Young Life fever in ATL |
We loved having long legs for a moment |
Observation deck at the Westin |
I finished
Blue Like Jazz finally. I'm going to go ahead and say its one of the best books I've ever read and I mean that. Donald Miller is so insightful and his writing style is right up my alley. I loved his topical take on the different aspects of Christianity. One of my favorite chapters was about love and what it looks like to truly love others.
After I repented, things were different. I was happy... I was set free. I was free to love. I didn't have to discipline anybody, I didn't have to judge anybody, I could treat everybody as though they were my best friend, as though they were rock stars or famous poets, as though they were amazing, and to me they became amazing. I could feel God's love for [them]. I loved the fact that it wasn't my responsibility to change somebody, that it was God's, that my part was just to communicate love and approval.
When I ask for God to love people through me, thats exactly what happens. I think its so important to ask Him
daily for His love to flow through us. There's no chance of me ever mustering up genuine, selfless love from inside me because I am a child of wrath born in sin. I'm learning that I have to depend on God for literally everything, and thats tremendously difficult.
Our small group is going through
So Long, Insecurity together this semester. That meant small group this week was REAL heavy. It was taxing, emotionally and spiritually, to dig up the roots of our individual weaknesses and fears. Tears shed and hugs shared, we were humbled in our vulnerability and ready to face our problems head on. I think, sometimes, how insulting it must be to God that I would feel like He didn't create something beautiful when He created me; that somewhere between tubby toddler and pre-adolescent pudge He messed up. How cheated He must feel when I look for affirmation from boys or friendships or "way-to-go's" instead of the one who erased all of my shame forever. I have quite a few of these insecurities to break through, but I'm willing to bet anything that the name of Jesus holds power to break
every chain.
"Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you." Galatians 5:1