These past few days have been absolutely wonderful. Catching up with Meg over a little Panera goodness was much needed. Our small group had some college Q&A last night with TLC, Courtney and Megan's small group. Not to mention I met someone who also understands what an amazing person Chelsea Banister is, love it. Megan made banana cupcakes with avocado frosting, my kind of sweet treat. I took a Bosu Ball class two days ago, and I'm
still sore; although I must say, its the best feeling. This morning I attempted my long weekly run, but it was so hot outside I had to cut it short so I didn't pass out. Now drinking some fresh brewed hazelnut coffee in bed, my favorite.
I've been reading through the story of Joseph (one of my all time favorites). Its amazing to see all the junk Joseph's brothers put him through, yet God still blessed him. He made him successful at everything he did.
Everything. Even after Potiphar threw him in prison over false accusations, Joseph was put in charge of all the prisoners. When the servant forgot about him and he was left in prison for two more years, He remained faithful. Even though his brothers betrayed him in the worst way, Joseph provided for them in their time of need and loved them when it was hardest. Its so encouraging to know that God incorporates peoples mistakes and that, through our suffering, He is always with us.
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful..." 2 Timothy 2:13
Its so easy to forget that. But when I am gently reminded, its the biggest comfort. I'm so grateful for a God that loves me perfectly and unconditionally.